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Book Mail-in Order Form IMPORTANT! Charges vary according to publication. Publications available for order include Books, CDs, Posters, Maps, and other merchandise. A listing of publications, along with their prices, contained in the Archives library can be found at However, please note that not all publications can be found online.

The cost varies based on publication. If you are unsure of the exact cost, but know the Archives is carrying the exact item you are looking to order, contact us by email at or by phone at 410-260-6487, if email is not an option..

Shipping and Handling:
$6.00 for each Atlas
$5.00 for each Maryland Manual
$3.00 for each CD, poster, publication, merchandise

Note: Additional shipping will be added for oversized items.
* Indicates a required field

Author or Editor *:
Title *:
Inventory Number:
Description *:
(Book, Poster, Map, etc.)
Cost, if known:
Number of Copies Requested *:
Additional Information:
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